Thursday, December 2, 2010



Jean Louis Forain
French, 1852-1931 //
Tight-Rope Walker, c. 1885 //
Oil on canvas
18 1/8 x 15 in. (46.2 x 38.2 cm)

I am drawn to this painting because the ballerina, often a symbol of femininity and elegant dexterity, maintains an equilibrium above a crowd of people so engulfed in their own personal missions that they don't even notice the grace displayed upon a mere upward glance. Maybe if we take a minute to recognize another person's composure once in awhile, we could learn something. Not to get deep, but someone else's personal equilibrium and collectedness presented on the daily can sometimes be an inspiration for achieving our own, whether it is realized or not. Be kind to a stranger today; their problems could be worse than yours. If they don't complain about them, may their grace be noticed and smiled upon, as it once just tiptoed over our heads without appreciation. If this rings true for someone you know, thank them or give them a hug. It could offer perseverence on both ends of embrace, and if we can't help each other, what's the point?

1 comment:

  1. i love you so much. you are full of wisdom. come visit me.
